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EBRD Executive Committee
The Executive Committee oversees all key aspects of the strategy, performance and financial soundness of the Bank.

Odile Renaud-Basso
President of the EBRD

Jürgen Rigterink
First Vice President and Head of Client Services Group

Mark Bowman
Vice President, Policy and Partnerships

David Coleman
Vice President, Chief Risk Officer

Beata Javorcik
Chief Economist

Burkhard Kübel-Sorger
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Kazuhiko Koguchi
Secretary General

Dina Matta
Vice President and Chief Transformation Officer

Matteo Patrone
Vice President, Banking

Michael Strauss
General Counsel

Hannah Meadley-Roberts
Managing Director, Human Resources and Organisational Development (observer status)

Richard Porter
Managing Director, Communications (observer status)