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EBRD projects News stories Contacts

Who we are

The EBRD works across three continents to support the transition to successful market economies.

Our focus is on delivering prosperity by enabling a well-run and sustainable private sector.

We do this with our unique business model, combining financing, advice and policy reform.

Our values

A clearly defined set of standards governs all our work as we strive to develop a healthy investment climate and promote environmentally and socially sound and sustainable development.

Partnering for impact

The EBRD develops partnerships with an array of stakeholders in local and international business, investment and development communities to facilitate our work.

We engage with Civil Society organisations in the countries where we work.

Donors work with us to fund specific projects and initiatives.

We team up with financial services providers to develop the financial sector and foster entrepreneurship and we partner with other international financial institutions such as the World Bank, joining forces in investments, strategic initiatives and policy reform.

Odile Renaud-Basso

Our structure and governance

The EBRD is owned by 75 countries, as well as the European Union and the European Investment Bank. Each shareholder is represented on the Board of Governors, which has overall authority over the Bank. Our President is Odile Renaud-Basso (left). The President manages our work under the guidance of the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee and senior leadership group advise the President and oversee EBRD activities.