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Access to Information Policy

The 2024 Access to Information Policy and Directive on Access to Information were approved by the EBRD Board of Directors on 22 October 2024 and by the EBRD President respectively. They came into effect on 1 January 2025.

The Access to Information Policy sets out the EBRD’s commitment to transparency and disclosure based on the principles of Transparency, Accountability, Good Governance and Client Responsibility to Affected Stakeholders, describes the principles of implementation arrangements as well as contains a limited list of exceptions to disclosure and corresponding overrides.  The EBRD shall, in accordance with the Access to Information Policy, disclose documents or information including but not limited to those expressly listed in the Directive on Access to Information. In addition, the Directive sets out certain implementation arrangements relating to the Access to Information Policy.

Key documents

2024 Access to Information Policy

PDF format / 0.16 MB

Directive on Access to Information

PDF format / 0.21 MB

Report on the invitation to comment

PDF format / 0.27 MB

The new Policy and Directive replaced the 2019 Access to Information Policy and Directive remained in force until December 31st 2024. In line with the Bank’s commitment to review at least every five years, the 2024 Policy will be reviewed in 2029.

Other languages

Arabic - Policy

PDF format / 0.57 MB

Arabic - Directive

PDF format / 0.25 MB

French - Policy

PDF format / 0.28 MB

French - Directive

PDF format / 0.46 MB

Russian - Policy

PDF format / 0.30 MB

Russian - Directive

PDF format / 0.39 MB

Turkish - Policy

PDF format / 0.29 MB

Turkish - Directive

PDF format / 0.53 MB

Report on implementation of the Access to Information Policy

The EBRD’s Access to Information Policy commits the Bank's management to report to the Board of Directors on an annual basis on implementation of the policy, with the findings to be made available on this website.


PDF format / 0.51 MB


PDF format / 1.05 MB


PDF format / 0.73 MB


PDF format / 0.95 MB

The Directive can be reviewed as and when needed, but at least annually at the time of preparation of the annual implementation report on the Policy.

Requests for information can be made directly to accessinfo@ebrd.com, or by using the Bank’s Enquiry form.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine – response

A Russian-led invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 caused significant disruption in certain of the EBRD’s countries of operations. The Bank has formulated a response to support these affected countries as they face the ongoing effects of this crisis.

To preserve the timely delivery and efficacy of projects formulated in response to this crisis, the Bank’s President approved a deviation from the ordinary timelines for disclosure of project-specific information. This deviation applies to urgent projects approved under the Regional Resilience and Livelihoods Framework for the duration of the framework (excluding category ‘A’ projects).

Covid-19 response

The Covid-19 pandemic caused significant economic disruption in the EBRD’s countries of operations. In response to the ongoing effects of the crisis, and the resultant needs of our countries of operations, the Bank formulated a comprehensive response.

To preserve the timely delivery and efficacy of projects formulated in response to this crisis, the Bank’s President approved a deviation from the ordinary timelines for disclosure of project-specific information.

During 2020, this deviation applied to projects approved under the EBRD COVID-19 Solidarity Packages, under the Direct Financing Facility Framework and under the Financial Intermediaries Framework (excluding category ‘A’ projects). With effect from 1 January 2021, the deviation was amended, permitting deferred PSD disclosure only for projects approved under the Resilience Framework (excluding category ‘A’ projects). PSDs for these projects are to be disclosed as early as practicable, and in any event not later than the date of signing. Such deviation shall apply until amended or withdrawn by the President.

Requests for information

One of the guiding principles of the AIP is to recognise the right to request information, and to appeal a decision made by the Bank to refuse to grant access to information.

Requests for information can be made directly to accessinfo@ebrd.com, by using the Bank’s Enquiry form, or in writing to:

Attention: Access to Information Function
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Five Bank Street
E14 4BG
United Kingdom

The EBRD also allows for appeals where a requester believes that a request for information has not been satisfied in contravention of the AIP or the Directive.

An appellant may file an appeal which (i) confirms that the initial request for information was submitted in accordance with the procedures set out in the AIP and Directive; and (ii) provides a reasonable argument as to how the EBRD has breached the AIP or Directive by denying access to the requested information.

Appeals must be made in writing within 30 working days after receipt of the decision which is the subject of the appeal, and can be submitted by email to accessinfo@ebrd.com, or in writing to:

Attention: Information Appeals Panel
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Five Bank Street
E14 4BG
United Kingdom


The appeal will be acknowledged within 5 working days of receipt. If an appeal is not sufficiently precise, the Bank will request further clarifications from the appellant.

The Bank will inform the appellant of the decision of the Information Appeals Panel in writing not later than 20 working days after receiving the appeal, or clarification.

The sole remedy available to those who prevail in the appeals process is to receive the information requested.

Review by the Independent Project Accountability Mechanism

In cases where a person or organisation believes they are affected or likely to be affected, by a Project, and alleges that the Bank has failed to disclose Project specific information in accordance with the AIP or the Directive, that person or organisation may submit a request to the Independent Project Accountability Mechanism.

Information on how to access the Independent Project Accountability Mechanism.