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Transparency and accountability

Transparency and accountability have been key principles guiding the EBRD’s work since its establishment in 1991 and occupy a prominent place in our Access to Information Policy.

The Access to Information Policy

 As the most recent version (October 2024) of the Access to Information Policy stresses:  ‘the EBRD is committed to enhancing transparency and accountability, improving dialogue with affected stakeholders and fostering good governance in respect of all its operations and activities, to promote an economically and environmentally sustainable transition in EBRD recipient  economies, with an emphasis on the private sector’. 

As part of its commitment to openness, the EBRD seeks to provide accurate and timely information regarding its operational activities. By providing such information to economic decision-makers the EBRD also helps to improve the stability and efficiency of markets, and promotes adherence to internationally-recognised standards. Its approach is guided by international standards on transparency. Those standards have evolved over the years in line with rapidly improving technology and new expectations on the part of civil society and others as to how openness should be defined.

The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI)

The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) is a voluntary, multi-stakeholder initiative which aims, in its own words, to make information about aid and development spending ‘easier to access, use, and understand’. The IATI Standard is a format and framework for publishing data on development cooperation activities, intended to be used by all organisations in development, including government donors, private sector organisations, and national and international NGOs. The standard was designed to ensure maximum relevance and utility for data users.


Since May 2015, the EBRD has been publishing data on its investment operations and key documents about its activity via IATI and to the IATI standard. It has also made public its IATI implementation schedule in line with the agreed standard for DFIs (Development Finance Institutions) and IFIs (International Finance Institutions).

By joining the dozens of other organisations already reporting their data to IATI, the EBRD took  significant strides towards fulfilling the commitments to transparency, accountability and openness we made at our creation. 
These efforts have been recognised and the EBRD improved markedly its score on the Publish What You Fund’s Aid Transparency Index (an independent measure of aid transparency of the world’s major donor organisations)– with a jump of 32 points between 2014 and 2018.

XML downloads

EBRD organisational file - includes links to relevant public documents

EBRD activity - reports details of individual activities/projects

EBRD IATI implementation schedule

Access EBRD data via the IATI registry (external site - link opens in new tab)

Operating principles for impact management

Every year we disclose the alignment of our impact management systems with the Operating principles for impact management and, at regular intervals, arrange for such alignment to be independently verified.

The Operating Principles for Impact Management provide a reference point against which the impact management systems of funds and institutions may be assessed.

They draw on emerging best practices from a range of asset managers, asset owners, asset allocators, and development finance institutions. As a signatory to the principles, EBRD publicly discloses, on an annual basis, the alignment of our impact management systems with the principles and, at regular intervals, arranges for independent verification of this alignment.

In November 2024, the ERBD has undergone an independent verification of alignment provided by an external independent verifier. The verification statement and annual disclosure statement are below.

EBRD Disclosure Statement: Operating Principles for Impact Management

PDF format / 0.66 MB

Independent Verifier's Statement on the alignment of EBRD with the Operating Principles of Impact Management

PDF format / 0.26 MB