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How to report fraud, corruption and other Prohibited Practices or EBRD Staff Misconduct

You can report suspected fraud, corruption and other Prohibited Practices related to EBRD-financed projects and Bank assets or EBRD Staff Misconduct by filing the complaint form. Alternatively, you can report via email to whistleblowing@ebrd.com  or send a written report marked “Confidential” by post to: Office of the Chief Compliance Officer, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Five Bank Street, London E14 4BG, United Kingdom. 

Reports can be made in any language of the Bank or of the Bank's countries of operation.  

When you submit an allegation, you can identify yourself or you can choose to be anonymous. 

If you choose to remain anonymous when submitting a written report, no attempt will be made to discover your identity. However, any subsequent investigation is often more efficient if the reporting party can be contacted for further information or clarification of details. We therefore encourage you to disclose your identity. 

Although you do not have to submit hard evidence, you can facilitate an investigation by providing as many details and supporting documents as possible to OCCO. Documents submitted will not be returned. They will be treated as confidential.