Hannah Meadley-Roberts

Hannah Meadley-Roberts
Managing Director, Human Resources and Organisational Development (observer status)
Hannah Meadley-Roberts is Managing Director, Human Resources and Organisational Development at the EBRD.
She joined the Bank in April 2013 as Director of the President’s Office, with responsibility for advising the President on key issues relating to the Office's work and day-to-day management.
In 2016, Ms Meadley-Roberts took up the position of Acting Managing Director, Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency (OE&E), focusing on process improvements, systems and people development.
When the OE&E function merged with Human Resources in early 2018, Ms Meadley-Roberts became Managing Director, Human Resources and Organisational Development.
Prior to joining the EBRD, Ms Meadley-Roberts held various posts with the UK Government, including roles at the Ministry of Justice, the Judicial Appointments Commission and the Department for Constitutional Affairs.
She has observer status on the Bank’s Executive Committee.