Executive Committee
The Executive Committee oversees all key aspects of the strategy, performance and financial soundness of the Bank.
Who we are
Overview: about the EBRDWho we are
Overview: about the EBRDLearn about the EBRD's journey to investing more than €210 billion in over 7,400 projects.
What we do
Overview: how the EBRD operatesWhat we do
Overview: how the EBRD operatesThrough projects, business services and involvement in high-level policy reform, we're doing more than ever before.
Work with us
Overview: how you can work with the EBRDWork with us
Overview: how you can work with the EBRDWe draw on three decades of regional knowledge and financial expertise to tailor our products and approaches to each client's needs.
Odile Renaud-Basso is President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
The EBRD’s Board of Governors re-elected Ms Renaud-Basso for a second term as President at its 33rd Annual Meeting held in Yerevan, Armenia.
The Board first elected her as the Bank’s seventh President in October 2020 during its 29th Annual Meeting.
She took up her role in November 2020, replacing Sir Suma Chakrabarti, who had stepped down in July 2020 after serving two full four-year terms. She is the first ever woman head of a multilateral development bank.
Prior to joining the Bank, as Director General at the French Treasury, Ms Renaud-Basso oversaw the development of France’s economic policy, leading on European and international financial affairs, trade policy, financial regulation and debt management.
As part of her role, she also served as Vice-President of the European Economic and Financial Committee, deputy to the G7 and G20 groups and French Governor or Alternate Governor of the World Bank, EBRD and African Development Bank. She was also Chair of the Paris Club.
She was previously Deputy Director-General of Caisse des Dépôts, a large French public financial institution.
Ms Renaud-Basso is a graduate of the Paris Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po) and an Ecole Nationale d’Administration alum. She also attended Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.
The EBRD President has an official presence on LinkedIn and X (formerly known as Twitter).