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EBRD Sustainable Infrastructure Fund


The Sustainable Infrastructure Fund (previously Early Transitions Countries Fund) was established as a flagship channel for providing donor support to the Early Transition Countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). Since its inception, the Fund has been a pioneer in supporting innovative financial instruments across the region. 

Following reform in 2022 this fund now focuses on just the infrastructure sector, specifically:

  • focuses on sustainable & inclusive infrastructure, 
  • continues policy gender inclusion and upstream projects related to sustainable infrastructure,
  • specialises in public sector and smaller scale interventions, and 
  • maintains technical cooperation focuses, but flexible to include co-investment grants.

Following further reform in 2023, the scope of the fund was extended to enable EBRD to offer such support across its full geographical remit. The fund is now operational across 7 regional windows, aligned with those of the Bank. 

In Bokhtar, Tajikistan, Hasan Rozikov, a visually impaired farmer, exemplifies the resilience of his community.