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The Republic of Korea: EBRD shareholder profile

aerial view of Seoul

The Republic of Korea is a founding member of the EBRD and an important contributor to the Bank's work. The Republic of Korea has been an EBRD donor since 1993 and has emerged as a strong partner in recent years, contributing about €55 million in donor funds.


capital share (February 2025)


donor funds supporting EBRD operations

Through its dedicated bilateral fund at EBRD the Republic of Korea supports all EBRD countries of operation. The Republic of Korea is an important contributor to the EBRD Water Fund, the Sustainable Infrastructure Fund (SIF), the Small Business Impact Fund (SBIF), and the High-Impact Partnership on Climate Action (HIPCA).

The Republic of Korea provides funding for a wide range of activities in various sectors, from municipal and environmental infrastructure and energy efficiency to the financial sector. Korea has been engaged in the digitalisation, development of the knowledge economy, EBRD’s Capital Markets and Local Currency Market Initiative, energy efficiency, climate change and green growth initiatives.

The Republic of Korea is increasingly becoming an important source for FDI into the EBRD region as Korean companies are actively looking at the EBRD region.

Korean banks are also involved in the Trade Facilitation Programme, through which the EBRD guarantees the payment of trade finance instruments issued by banks in the countries where we invest to foreign confirming banks. Since inception, the TFP has supported 446 export and import transactions for Korean companies for a total € 589.87 million, for transactions which were initiated by banks in the EBRD countries of operation and confirmed by banks in both Republic of Korea and abroad. Fifteen Korean banks and branches of banks have joined the programme as Confirming Banks (all figures as of December 2022).

From 2018 to 2022, entities from Korea won 49 procurement and consultancy contracts worth €170.2 million.

Success story: We helped Ulaanbaatar improve its waste management, with support from the Republic of Korea.

Contact the EBRD Office of the Board Director for the Republic of Korea

Director: Kyunghee Kim


+44 (0)20 7338 6421

