Transition Report
Reform progress and transition indicators
Who we are
Overview: about the EBRDWho we are
Overview: about the EBRDLearn about the EBRD's journey to investing more than €210 billion in over 7,400 projects.
What we do
Overview: how the EBRD operatesWhat we do
Overview: how the EBRD operatesThrough projects, business services and involvement in high-level policy reform, we're doing more than ever before.
Work with us
Overview: how you can work with the EBRDWork with us
Overview: how you can work with the EBRDWe draw on three decades of regional knowledge and financial expertise to tailor our products and approaches to each client's needs.
January, 2024
By Nils Bohr, Tim Deisemann, Douglas Gollin, Frederic Kosmowski and Travis J. Lybbert
Optimal input allocation in agriculture leverages production complementarities. For example, improved seeds are generally more responsive to fertilizer than traditional seeds. Thus, inaccurate beliefs about whether seeds sown are improved may result in sub-optimal fertilizer application. We document precisely this pattern using data from Ethiopia that includes farmer beliefs about their maize seeds and genotyping tests that identify the true genetics of these seeds. We find that 15 percent of farmers believe incorrectly that they are using improved varieties and use far more fertilizer than farmers who correctly believe that they sowed traditional varieties. Conversely, we find that about 15 percent of farmers believe incorrectly that they are growing traditional material and use far less fertilizer than those farmers who correctly believe that they are growing improved material. We extrapolate from our nationally representative sample to estimate the national -level magnitude of fertilizer misallocation due to incorrect seed beliefs.
For media enquiries related to this working paper, please contact Ksenia Yakustidi, Media Adviser at the EBRD’s Office of the Chief Economist
All Working Papers
The Working Paper series seeks to stimulate debate on transition in the EBRD regions.