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Third accelerating growth for women entrepreneurs research conference

Woman looking at the camera standing in front of a factory machine

Event details


27 - 28 Oct 2025


EBRD HQ, London

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You are invited to submit a paper to the Research Conference on Accelerating Growth for Women Entrepreneurs in Developing Economies, jointly organised by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), IDB Invest, and Imperial College London.

The conference aims to promote new research and evidence on entrepreneurship, with a focus on women-led small and medium-sized enterprises (WSMEs), start-ups, and micro-enterprises with growth potential. Papers using sex-disaggregated data are particularly encouraged.

In addition to academic sessions, the conference will provide a platform for academics, practitioners, and policymakers to network and discuss the application of research findings to project design and implementation. Policy-oriented sessions will strengthen the connection between research and policy, helping to generate new evidence and define key objectives and milestones for the future.

We are pleased to welcome the conference keynote speaker: Marianne Bertrand, Chris P. Dialynas Distinguished Service Professor of Economics, Chicago Booth School of Business.

The event is free to attend for interested parties upon registration. The registration link will be made available in summer 2025.


Submitting papers

To submit a paper (full papers only), please email Lucie Newman with the subject title “3rd Accelerating Growth for Women Entrepreneurs Research Conference”.



Submission deadline: 13 July 2025

Call for papers

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