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European Western Balkans Joint Fund

Launch date: 2009

Donors: European Commission, NorwaySwedenGermanyAustriaItalythe United KingdomEuropean Investment BankCzechiaPolandLuxembourg, Slovenia, SpainFranceFinlandGreeceHungary.

The Western Balkans Investment Framework was established as a joint initiative of the European Commission, the Council of Europe Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, bilateral donors and the Western Balkans beneficiary countries. The WBIF is a regional blending facility supporting priority infrastructure and socio-economic development and EU accession across the Western Balkans.

The European Western Balkans Joint Fund, managed by the EBRD and the EIB, is a multi-donor fund under the WBIF and the key instrument for pooling of grants and loans within the WBIF.          


Since the launch of WBIF, the EBRD has contributed to the construction of more than 800km of roads, including regional ones and new motorway sections connecting the Western Balkans to major European transport corridors. Today, 2.3 million people have access to water and wastewater treatment systems and close to 100,000 students benefit from improved school facilities. The EBRD’s interventions through the WBIF also enabled improvements in the energy sector with investments in renewables and energy efficiency projects for residential households and businesses, contributing to a significant reduction of CO2 levels in the region.