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Austria: EBRD shareholder profile

Snowy landscape of Hallstatt

Austria is a founding member of the EBRD and an important contributor to the EBRD's work. Since 1992 Austria has made available more than €148 million in donor funds helping to improve people’s lives and environments through funding for a wide range of projects and programmes supporting strategic initiatives.


capital share (February 2025)


donor funds supporting EBRD operations

Austria is fully committed to the strategic initiatives of the Bank. In recent years, Austria has been focussed on creating programmatic funds in the areas of Green Economy Transition through Green City Action Plans (GCAPs), brownfield urban redevelopment plans and Green Economy Financing Facilities (GEFFs). Austria is also a strong supporter of EBRD multi-donor funds, contributing to the Ukraine Stabilisation and Sustainable Growth Multi-Donor Account (Ukraine MDA) and the High-Impact Partnership on Climate Action (HIPCA).

Geographically, the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe are priority regions. Austria plays a key role in the activities under the European-Western Balkans Joint Fund.

Austria is also an important source of foreign direct investment in the countries where the Bank invests.

Austrian banks are also involved in the Trade Facilitation Programme, through which the EBRD guarantees the payment of trade finance instruments issued by banks in the countries where we invest to foreign confirming banks. Since inception, the TFP has supported 691 export and import transactions for Austrian companies for a total € 637.78 million, for transactions which were initiated by banks in the EBRD countries of operation and confirmed by banks in both Austria and abroad. Twenty Austrian banks and branches of banks have joined the programme as Confirming Banks (all figures as of December 2022).

From 2018 to 2023, entities from Austria won 380 procurement and consultancy contracts worth ca. €169.8 million.

Success story: how support from Austria is enabling this Georgian nut producer to generate energy for their own consumption.

Contact the EBRD Office of the Board Director for Austria

Director: Elisabeth Vitzthum


+44 20 7338 7560

