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EBRD projects News stories Contacts

EBRD and Global Environment Facility

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) was established in 1991 as one of the few international funds channelling public resources to address climate change and environmental degradation.

As one of its implementing partners, the EBRD has been receiving grant co-financing, grants for technical assistance and concessional finance for projects in the field of international waters, chemicals and waste, and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Success story: Schools, hospitals and over 25,000 families in Khorog, Tajikistan, now have 24-hour access to fresh drinking water, thanks to a project supported by the GEF.

Success story: The EBRD and the GEF helped the Romanian city to become greener.

Special Climate Change Fund

The Special Climate Change Fund is a trust fund, managed within the Global Environment Facility focusing on climate change adaptation, covering areas such as water efficiency, water management, and climate-smart agriculture. As an implementing partner of the Fund, the EBRD is currently carrying out, amongst others, climate resilience projects in Tajikistan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Morocco.