Donor Partnerships
Learn about and contact the EBRD Donor Partnerships team.
Who we are
Overview: about the EBRDWho we are
Overview: about the EBRDLearn about the EBRD's journey to investing more than €210 billion in over 7,400 projects.
What we do
Overview: how the EBRD operatesWhat we do
Overview: how the EBRD operatesThrough projects, business services and involvement in high-level policy reform, we're doing more than ever before.
Work with us
Overview: how you can work with the EBRDWork with us
Overview: how you can work with the EBRDWe draw on three decades of regional knowledge and financial expertise to tailor our products and approaches to each client's needs.
In April 2024, Benin became the 75th shareholder of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) – and the first in sub-Saharan Africa – following the completion of its membership process.
Benin submitted its request to become a shareholder in July 2023, and the Board of Governors approved its membership in October 2023.
At the EBRD’s 2023 Annual Meeting in Samarkand, the Board of Governors approved an amendment to the Agreement Establishing the EBRD to enable a limited and incremental expansion of its operations to sub-Saharan Africa and Iraq.
Once that amendment is in force, which requires formal acceptance by the majority of the EBRD’s shareholders, the Bank will be able to take forward Benin’s request to become a country of operations.
Once it becomes a country of operations, Benin will be able to benefit from the EBRD’s financial and policy support.