Arvid Tuerkner

Arvid Tuerkner
Managing Director, Ukraine and Moldova
Arvid Tuerkner is Managing Director for Ukraine and Moldova at the EBRD.
He supervises the EBRD programme for Ukraine, which focuses on five wartime investment themes: support for energy security, vital infrastructure, food security, trade and the private sector. He also oversees policy dialogue to support Ukraine and Moldova in progressing towards European Union membership. Ukraine is a priority investment destination for the EBRD.
Previously, Mr Tuerkner led the EBRD's operations in Türkiye.
He joined the EBRD in January 2009 from the German development bank, DEG, where he was a Senior Banker in the Financial Institutions team in Moscow.
He was promoted to the role of EBRD Director for Regional Development and Deputy Head of the Moscow Office in October 2013. In April 2015, he became Head of Russia and then moved to the role of Director for Corporate Debt.
Mr Tuerkner’s academic background includes postgraduate professional training at the German Development Institute and an MBA from the Freie Universität Berlin.