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Why finance with the EBRD?

We invest in changing lives across three continents. That, together with more than 30-year track record of success and innovation, means that we can help your business in many, many different ways.

We add unique value

The EBRD specialises in working with the private sector, from the energy sector to food and agribusiness, real estate and more. We are also leaders in mobilising private finance for green economies. We are the single largest foreign investor in many of the regions where we operate, from Morocco to Mongolia, and Estonia to Egypt. In EBRD economies, we have more than 50 offices, many of them outside national capitals and closer to our clients.

We offer innovative financing solutions

The Bank offers direct financing via loans, equity and guarantees, but our flexibility and wealth of experience ensure that we can tailor our services to your specific needs.

We invest in some projects worth hundreds of millions of euros, partnering with the biggest names in global finance, but we also support small businesses with advice as well as financing.

Our Equity Participation Fund (EPF) provides another innovative way of channelling long-term institutional capital into our economies.

We provide bespoke risk management

Our unique risk management capability allows us to take on higher-risk projects and provide longer-term finance than most other commercial banks.

Triple-A credit rating: our rating reflects the strengths of our capital position, strong enterprise and extremely robust financial risk profiles.

Preferred creditor status: our preferred creditor status excludes us from sovereign debt reschedulings where the borrower’s inability to service their debt is due to a general foreign exchange shortage in their country. These legal privileges are also extended to other banks participating in EBRD loans, incentivising local investors to co-finance projects.

Diligent integrity procedure: our focus on assessing the integrity of projects and upholding the highest environmental and social standards in them provide clients with a first-rate stamp of quality.

Second line of defence: we understand that markets can fail, and, when they do, we can consider using grants or subsidies.

Effective risk management advice: we provide independent and efficient risk management advice to our clients, both financial and non-financial, with regard to country, regulatory, project, economic cycle or political risks.

We create better investment climate

The EBRD sees the big picture. We understand that a successful modern economy is measured not just by its size but also by its quality.

In these ways, we work to make all our economies more competitive, better governed, greener, more resilient, more inclusive and more integrated, qualities that benefit investors and consumers alike.

Our investments and the work on policy reform that accompanies them thus create a better business climate for all.