2006 - Ph.D. Economics, Utrecht University
1999 - M.Sc. Economics, Radboud University Nijmegen
Journal articles
S. Qi, R. De Haas, S. Ongena and S. Straetmans (2024), Move a little closer? Information sharing and the spatial clustering of bank branches, Review of Finance, forthcoming.
R. De Haas, R. Martin, M. Muûls and H. Schweiger (2024), Managerial and financial barriers to the green transition, Management Science, forthcoming.
R. De Haas, L. Lu and S. Ongena (2023), Close competitors? Bilateral bank competition and spatial variation in firms’ access to credit, Journal of Economic Geography, 23(6), 1237-1271.
R. De Haas and A. Popov (2023), Finance and Green Growth, Economic Journal, 133(650), 637–668.
V. Baranov, R. De Haas and P. Grosjean (2023), Male-biased sex ratios and masculinity norms: Evidence from Australia’s colonial past, Journal of Economic Growth, forthcoming.
Brock, J.M. and R. De Haas (2023), Discriminatory lending: Evidence from bankers in the lab, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 15(2), 31-68.
Aksoy, C.G., C.S. Carpenter, R. De Haas, M. Dolls and L. Windsteiger (2023), Reducing sexual-orientation discrimination: Experimental evidence from basic information treatments, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 42(1), 35-59.
Crépon, B., R. De Haas, F. Devoto and W. Parrienté (2022), Microcredit made to measure. Experimental evidence from rural Morocco, Journal of Development Economics, Accepted pre-results review.
R. De Haas, M. Millone, and J. Bos (2021), Information sharing in a competitive microcredit market, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 53(7), 1677-1717.
Bircan, C. and R. De Haas (2020), The limits of lending? Banks and technology adoption across Russia, Review of Financial Studies, 33(2), 536-609. Data
Aksoy C. G., C. S. Carpenter, R. De Haas and K. Tran (2020), Do laws shape attitudes? Evidence from same-sex relationship recognition policies in Europe, European Economic Review, 124.
Baranov, V., R. De Haas and P. Grosjean (2020), Queens of the desert: Convictism and marital attitudes across Australia, AEA Papers and Proceedings, 110: 457-462.
Attanasio, O., B. Augsburg and R. De Haas (2019), Microcredit contracts, risk diversification and loan take-up, Journal of the European Economic Association, 17(6), 1797-1842.
De Haas, R. and M. Millone (2019), The impact of information sharing on the use of collateral versus guarantees, World Bank Economic Review, 1-6.
De Haas, R. and S. Poelhekke (2019), Mining matters: natural resource extraction and firm-level constraints, Journal of International Economics, 117, 109-124.
Beck, T., H. Degryse, R. De Haas and N. van Horen (2018), When arms’ length is too far: relationship banking over the credit cycle, Journal of Financial Economics, 127,174-196. Online Appendix
Brown, M., R. De Haas and V. Sokolov (2018), Regional inflation, banking integration and dollarization, Review of Finance, 22(6), 2073-2108.
De Haas, R., M. Djourelova and E. Nikolova (2016), The Great Recession and Social Preferences: Evidence from Ukraine, Journal of Comparative Economics, 44, 92-107.
Augsburg, B., R. De Haas, H. Harmgart and C. Meghir (2015), The Impacts of Microcredit: Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 7(1): 183–203.
Attanasio, O. B. Augsburg, R. De Haas, E. Fitzsimons and H. Harmgart (2015), The impacts of microfinance: Evidence from joint-liability lending in Mongolia, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 7(1): 90-122.
De Haas, R., Y. Korniyenko, A. Pivovarsky, and T. Tsankova (2015), “Taming the Herd? Foreign Banks, the Vienna Initiative and Crisis Transmission”, Journal of Financial Intermediation, 24 (3), 325-355.
De Haas, R. and I. Van Lelyveld (2014), Multinational banks and the global financial crisis: Weathering the perfect storm?, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 46(1), 333-364.
De Haas, R. and N. Van Horen (2013), Running for the exit? International bank lending during a financial crisis, Review of Financial Studies, 26(1), 244-285.
De Haas, R. and N. Van Horen (2012), International Shock Transmission after the Lehman Brothers Collapse. Evidence from Syndicated Lending, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 102(3): 231–237.
Brown, M. and R. De Haas (2012), Foreign Currency Lending in Emerging Europe: Bank-level Evidence, Economic Policy, 27(69), pp. 59-98.
De Haas, R. and I.P.P. van Lelyveld (2010), Internal capital market and lending by multinational bank subsidiaries, Journal of Financial Intermediation, 19, pp. 1-25.
De Haas, R., D. Ferreira and A. Taci (2010), What determines the composition of banks' loan portfolios? Evidence from transition countries, Journal of Banking and Finance, 34, pp. 388-398.
De Haas, R. and I.P.P. van Lelyveld (2006), Foreign banks and credit stability in Central and Eastern Europe. A panel data analysis, Journal of Banking and Finance, 30, pp.1927-1952.
Working papers
Startup Types and Macroeconomic Performance in Europe, EBRD Working Paper 269, joint with Vincent Sterk and Neeltje Van Horen.
State Ownership and Corporate Leverage Around the World, EBRD Working Paper 266, joint with Sergei Guriev and Alexander Stepanov.
The crisis as a wake-up call: Do banks tighten screening and monitoring during a financial crisis?, EBRD Working Paper 117, joint with Neeltje van Horen.
Policy writing, books and reports
De Haas R., D. Ferreira and T. Kirchmaier (2021), The inner workings of the board: evidence from emerging markets, Emerging Markets Review, 48.
“The Vienna Initiative: From Short-Term Impact to Long-Term Solutions”, 2019, with Peter Tabak, In: Ten Years of the Vienna Initiative, 2009-2019 (Chapter 9), pp. 145-160, EIB.
“Recent Trends in Cross-Border Banking in Europe”, 2017, with Neeltje van Horen, In: The Palgrave Handbook of European Banking (Chapter 18), Barbara Casu and Thorsten Beck (eds.), pp. 475-497, Palgrave.
“Global Banking: Old and New Lessons from Emerging Europe”, 2017, In: The Future of Large, Internationally Active Banks, Asli Demirgüç-Kunt, Douglas D Evanoff and George G Kaufman (eds.), Chapter 10, pp. 143-166, World Scientific Studies in International Economics Vol. 55, Singapore.
Aghion, P., R. De Haas, G. Friebel, S. Guriev and J. Luksic (2017), Introduction to the Special Issue on the Economics of the Middle East and North Africa, Economics of Transition, 25(2), 141-148.
De Haas, R., B. Markovic and A. Plekhanov (2017), Reducing Non-Performing Loans in Europe, European Economy. Banks, Regulation, and the Real Sector, 1, 107-116.
De Haas, R. (2014), The Dark and the Bright Side of Global Banking: A (Somewhat) Cautionary Tale from Emerging Europe, Comparative Economic Studies 56, 271-282.
“Banking union: The view from emerging Europe”, 2012, with Erik Berglöf and Jeromin Zettelmeyer, In: Banking Union for Europe - Risks and Challenges, Thorsten Beck (ed.), Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London.
“Foreign banks and financial stability: lessons from the Great Recession”, 2012, In: Financial Stability in Emerging Markets. Dealing with Global Liquidity, Ulrich Volz (ed.), German Development Institute, Bonn.
De Haas, R. and I.J. Naaborg (2006), Foreign banks in transition countries: to whom do they lend and how are they financed?, Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments, 15(4), pp. 159-199.
De Haas, R.T.A. and H.M.M. Peeters (2006), The dynamic adjustment towards target capital structures of firms in transition economies, Economics of Transition, 14(1), pp. 133-169.
De Haas, R.T.A. (2004), Law, finance, and growth during transition: a survey, De Economist, 152(3), pp. 1-28.