2023 – PhD Economics, IIES Stockholm University
2013 – MSc Economics, Bocconi University
2010 – BSc Economics, Bocconi University
Who we are
Overview: about the EBRDWho we are
Overview: about the EBRDLearn about the EBRD's journey to investing more than €210 billion in over 7,400 projects.
What we do
Overview: how the EBRD operatesWhat we do
Overview: how the EBRD operatesThrough projects, business services and involvement in high-level policy reform, we're doing more than ever before.
Work with us
Overview: how you can work with the EBRDWork with us
Overview: how you can work with the EBRDWe draw on three decades of regional knowledge and financial expertise to tailor our products and approaches to each client's needs.
Francesco Loiacono is a Principal Research Economist in the Office of the Chief Economist at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in London. He holds a PhD in Economics from the Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES) at Stockholm University. His research focuses on firms and labor markets in lower- and middle-income economies. Prior to his PhD, Francesco was a research fellow for the international NGO BRAC in Uganda and a consultant for the World Bank in Nigeria.
Personal website (external website - opens in new window).
Research interests
Development economics
Labour economics
Political economics
2023 – PhD Economics, IIES Stockholm University
2013 – MSc Economics, Bocconi University
2010 – BSc Economics, Bocconi University