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Infrastructure sector strategy

Green city bus on the background of traditional Georgian architecture

The central theme of the ISS is to support the economies in the EBRD regions with sustainable, resilient, high-quality and inclusive infrastructure networks and associated services that allow them to achieve full economic and social development.

Building on the previous Municipal and Environmental Infrastructure Sector and Transport Sector Strategies, this single integrated ISS captures synergies between both the municipal and transport sectors, enabling a coordinated and flexible approach for clients. This combined strategy aligns with the EBRD's already well-established and integrated approach to all of the infrastructure delivered by the Bank's Sustainable Infrastructure Group (SIG).

The ISS fits firmly within the EBRD's approach of leveraging investment, policy engagement and capacity building to deliver deep impact for the EBRD’s countries of operation. It is consistent with the EBRD’s commitment to aligning its activities with the goals of the Paris Agreement. It also aligns with the Bank’s Strategic and Capital Framework (SCF), supporting the transition to a green, inclusive and digital future for the EBRD regions, while promoting good economic governance by leveraging investments to foster policy reforms and enhance private-sector participation.