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Calamities, Common Interests, Shared Identity: What Shapes Altruism and Reciprocity?

A new EBRD Working Paper (number 256)

June, 2021

By Cevat Giray Aksoy, Antonio Cabrales, Mathias Dolls, Ruben Durante, Lisa Windsteiger

We conduct a large-scale survey experiment in nine European countries to study how priming a major crisis (COVID-19), common economic interests, and a shared identity influences altruism, reciprocity and trust of EU citizens.We find that priming the COVID-19 pandemic increases altruism and reciprocity towards compatriots, citizens of other EU countries, and non- EU citizens. Priming common European values also boosts altruism and reciprocity but only towards compatriots and fellow Europeans. Priming common economic interests has no tangible impact on behaviour. Trust in others is not affected by any treatment. Our results are consistent with the parochial altruism hypothesis, which asserts that because altruism arises out of inter-group conflict, humans show a tendency to favor members of their own groups.

Media enquiries

For media enquiries related to this working paper, please contact Ksenia Yakustidi, Media Adviser at the EBRD’s Office of the Chief Economist



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The Working Paper series seeks to stimulate debate on transition in the EBRD regions.