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EBRD invests in Anadolu Efes Eurobond

Author: Olga Rosca

  • EBRD invests US$ 40 million in issuance of Anadolu Efes Eurobond
  • Support for circular economy, creating opportunities for women and youth  
  • Anadolu Efes is a long-standing EBRD client

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is investing US$ 40 million in a US$ 500 Eurobond issued by Turkey’s Anadolu Efes Biracılık ve Malt Sanayii A.Ş (Anadolu Efes).

Anadolu Efes is a large regional producer of beer and soft drinks. The EBRD has been financing the company’s operations in Turkey, but also in Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Russia.

The drinks producer is now accessing international capital markets to refinance a US$ 500 million Eurobond maturing in 2022.

With the EBRD’s help, Anadolu Efes is also planning to become more sustainable and create opportunities for women and youth.

Developing a circular economy model, the company is looking into ways to reuse spent grain, a significant by-product of beer making. Anadolu Efes will also set up a vocational training programme for young people on sustainable production of barley and hops and will strengthen its human resources policies to open up career opportunities for women.

In addition, the company is committed to promoting the use of digital technologies (such as drone systems for scanning farmland) among its contracted farmers to help them improve efficiency and save costs.

Working with Anadolu Efes is part of the EBRD’s strategy to strengthen Turkey’s knowledge economy, promote the development of skills for youth and support the empowerment of women.

In Turkey, the EBRD is a leading institutional investor and, to date, has invested more than €13 billion in the country through 337 projects, with 96 per cent of these in the private sector. The Bank responded to the Covid-19 pandemic by stepping up its financing in Turkey to €1.7 billion in 2020 from €1.0 billion in 35 projects during 2019. In 2021, the Bank’s investments will support the country’s post-Covid-19 recovery.